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Why Join Our Club?

What makes DSC different than any other hunting and conservation club?

Started in 2015, the DSC Chapter System is strong and steadily growing. In line with the mission of DSC and the DSC Foundation, the overall goal of the chapters is to provide funding for conservation, education, and advocacy projects. Unique to the chapters, though, is the fact they generally take a more local approach and can make an impact where it matters most to them, their backyards.

What do you do for our state?

Please view the "Our Work" section of our "Mission" page.
See Our Work

How are funds allocated?

Annually, chapters contribute 25 percent of the net of their largest fundraiser to DSC and the DSC Foundation. Of this, 20 percent is used for real, boots-on-the-ground conservation projects of the chapter’s choosing. Meaning, our chapters keep or direct 95 percent of the money that they raise to projects of their choosing. Our chapters retain more money than other similar organizations and know exactly where their money goes…because they choose the projects!

Join us as a member, receive updates and event announcements, plus a free one year Trailhead membership with Dallas Safari Club by completing the form below.

DCS Wyoming Chapter by JM Web & Design